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NYT Crossword Answers for June 7, 2023

Dec 06, 2023


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wordplay, the crossword column

Jennifer Lee and Victor Galson create a perfect storm.

By Sam Corbin

Jump to: Today's Theme | Tricky Clues

WEDNESDAY PUZZLE — English is a funny thing, isn't it? We’ve developed all sorts of clichés in order, ostensibly, to say what we mean, but somewhere along the way they stopped meaning much of anything: Omissions are always "glaring," emotions "run high" and conclusions are drawn "at the end of the day."

If you’re a stickler for originality, these clichés may sound to you like nails on a chalkboard (and I’m sure you could think of a more original comparison). But today's crossword, constructed by Jennifer Lee and Victor Galson, shows us that word combinations we’ve begun to take for granted are often the best fodder for wordplay. You might say it makes hay while the pun shines! (You won't be saying that, will you?)

I hope you’ve found the joy of "diving in" to this puzzle. "In the wake of" discovering its solution, you might just find that you appreciate a good cliché after all.

As one who has spent many of her years in the competitive punning circuit (a real thing, I assure you), I am perhaps an ideal sounding board for this puzzle's theme. And I do have a high bar for wordplay, though I am not so much a discerning critic as a grizzled pun detective with too many years under my belt to stay hopeful about ever finding one funny again.

Reader, I laughed today. I really laughed! This grid plays on a series of clichés in news reporting that use words about water: We receive a BREAKING STORY (20A) about waves overtaking a ship, with LEAKED FOOTAGE (26A) of its hull being damaged, and a close-up of the watery mess STREAMING LIVE (43A).

"‘Changes in ocean conditions allowed the ship to return safely to port,’" reads the final clue at 51-Across. "‘Stay tuned for more ___.’" By now, you’ve figured out what there's more of: CURRENT EVENTS.

Some grammarians may contend that these are not technically puns, that there is an analogy somewhere in the etymology of these clichés. To them I say: Come on in, the water's fine.

19A. You might have needed to have a fashion glossary on hand to figure out that the "Accessory worn by Fred in ‘Scooby-Doo’" is an ASCOT — a rather chichi word for a necktie or scarf worn in a bow that takes its name from a village in England known for horse-racing meetings with formal attire.

36A. In French the expression "‘Ta-da!’" is ET VOILA, though this entry is often written simply as VOILA. The ET is a flourish — the French equivalent of adding the word "and" onto the top of "There you have it!"

40A. I had never heard of a half nelson before — I briefly imagined Nelson from "The Simpsons" uttering a single "Haw!" — and had to rely on my crossings to infer that it must be related to wrestling, since this answer is PIN.

63A. If you texted me after I solved this puzzle and I didn't respond, it's because I was busy recovering from learning that a "Hammer end" is called a PEEN.

2D. Phrase commonly heard by people with a habit of finishing other people's sentences: "‘Are you telling this story or AMI?’"

6D. This is one of my favorite clue types — the Venn diagram of context. A thing that "can be small, smooth or sweet" is TALK.

28D. It's hard to spot the plural in "Followers of mis," but this clue is referring to notes on a scale; after mis come FAS. (Now picturing a version of the musical "Les Mis" that is sung entirely on the third note of a scale.)

44D. Music's many subgenres seem as elusive as the day is long, but apparently St. Vincent, Kate Bush and the Dirty Projectors are all notable performers of ART POP, the "Music genre related to glam rock." I guess I’m an ART POP fan then — who knew?

Thrilled to be back with our third New York Times puzzle! We tried hard to make a surfing theme work but decided to pivot to other water puns, and we were surprised to find a full set relating to a potential news story. The grid and fill came together nicely after we tried putting a black square in the center of the puzzle. It took a little time to figure out the best cluing angle, but this puzzle by Brian Thomas has always been a favorite, and we took some inspiration from it. And here's a bit of bonus theme we couldn't fit: "This news report brought to you by ___." The answer is "‘The Atlantic.’"Hope you enjoyed!

The New York Times Crossword has an open submission system, and you can submit your puzzles online.For tips on how to get started, read our series "How to Make a Crossword Puzzle."

Still feeling adrift? Subscribers can take a peek at the answer key.

Trying to navigate to the main Gameplay page? You can find it here.

Sam Corbin writes about language, wordplay and the daily crossword for The Times. @ahoysamantha
